This is a project I did a few years ago. When I think about it seriously it was (gasp!) 15 years ago.
Plan behind project: I was a single mom handling two little kids. In the morning I'd have everyone ready to go, in their coats, hats, and scarves and be heading out of the door. While holding my work tote, purse, kid's school stuff, and kids I was constantly trying to deal with my scarf. It unseats itself every time I bend over which is every two minutes. Bend, throw. Bend, throw. Drop tote, throw. It is VERY important that I stay warm all of the time, so getting rid of the scarf isn't an option. What do do to make my life a little easier?
Make a scarf that is warm, stays put, and looks kinda elegant. In that order.
At the time I worked for a company that wanted its employees to look good each work day. Office suits, fancy shoes, conservative hair (seriously). Think IBM in the 80's.
Project: The Giant Cowl. A stockinette scarf that is 2 feet wide and 5 feet long, sewn into a cylinder. Folded over half-way and twisted around my neck, or up over my head, it is warm and stays put. I get kids to school with slightly less fuss and when I get to work I unwind the scarf and let it fall down my back. It looks like the back of a Hollywood ball gown. Very nice on the work dress ethic. Amazingly it stays out of my way all the way to the work cube where it rolls into a small cylinder and fits in my coat pocket.
Pluses: Stockinette is a stitch that allows single mothers to knit mindlessly while watching TV and children.
Shown here across the top of my well-upholstered office chair. It has served me well.
Result: Success. I stayed warm and sane. I made scarves for my family members that Christmas. Made Mobius strip versions for my IT friends. Mobius versions are easier to twist over the head as a hat.
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